2012年4月14日 星期六

Lecture 11: Redesign Principles and Tactics (2)

Lecture 11: Redesign Principles and Tactics (2)


In this lecture, we continued learning Redesign Principles and Tactics. In lecture 10, we learnt the principles and tactics for changing information flows around processes and for restructuring and configuring around processes. In lecture 11, we mainly learnt the minding part.

The minding process means change the knowledge management around the process.

Enhance the interactive analysis & synthesis capabilities around a process to generate value added.

Software and useful information which can generate knowledge can add analysis capabilities to help to redesign a business process. It is the major part of the deliverable to the customer of the process. The tactic is extremely useful to the knowledge-intensive processes which the value proposition of the customers can be increased by providing good advice to the customers.

Common Tactics:
-Provide “what-if” capabilities to analyze decision options
-Provide “slice and dice” data analysis capabilities that detect patterns
-Provide intelligent integration capabilities across multiple information sources

Principle 9: Connect, Collect, and Create
Through those who touch the reusable and intelligent knowledge around the process to acquire the knowledge.
Increasingly acquire the knowledge through people who are involved in the process can help redesign a business process. People involved in the process may be customers or doers.
Common Tactics:
-Create a community of practice around the process
-Create expertise maps and yellow pages related to the process
-Build knowledge repositories that can be reused to enhance the performance of the process
-Develop a FAQ database through the doers of the process
-Embed knowledge-sharing spaces for interactive dialogues around the process

Principle 10: Personalize
Make the process intimate with the preferences and habits of participants.
By understanding the preferences and habits of the customers of the process can increase its capabilities which enhance redesigning the business process. Deeply understand the customers can redesign a better process which can satisfy the customers.
Common tactics:
-Learn preferences of customers and doers of the process through profiling
-Insert business rules in process that are triggered based on dynamic personal profile
-Use automatic collaborative filtering techniques
-Keep track of personal process execution habits

Case study:
is a chain of personal health and beauty retailer offering comprehensive range of pharmacies, healthcare, personal care, skin care and baby care products.

Mannings applied principle 10: Personalize.
Recently, it introduce a card called "Man card" which customers can apply this card and receives special discounts or offerings in buying things in Mannings. Every time when Man card members buy things in Mannings, they have to show the cards to the cashier. The cashier will then scan the card and the system can automatically collect the data about the things that bought by the customers. Mannings can understand the preference of specific customers. For example, the ladies who aged between 25-30 like buying the skin products in Mannings while those housewives like buying the daily products. Mannings can place different products together so that it is more convenience to the customers. Mannings can know which period of time needs more cashiers and employees. This helps to allocate resources.

1 則留言:

  1. - Correctly reflect the Lect content.
    - the case study is a bit superficial.
    - Correct application of "Personalize" BPR principle - "Man Card" - study of shopping pattern etc. more discussion is expected
    Mark: Average
