2012年3月11日 星期日

Lecture 6 - Basics of BPR (2)

About TQM
Components of Leavitt'sDiamond

In Lecture 6, we mainly learnt about role of IT, Leavitt Diamond and TQM.

Role of IT:
IT plays an important role in business process. IT helps to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the process. For example, it enables very fast sharing of information.

The Leavitt Diamond:
There are four components in an organization, People, Task, Structure and Technology. There are interactions between these four components. If one of the components changes, other components will be affected.

TQM is a management approach which concern about the customers. It focuses on customers and thus improves the quality of products and services in order to satisfy customers.

Case Study:
HSBC is a universal bank which provides banking and financial services. It is the largest bank in Hong Kong.
In the past, people were required to go to the bank and queue for a long time in order to do transactions, save money or withdraw money. All these processes were only handled by the staff in the branches of HSBC.
Later, ATM started becoming popular and more people use ATM instead of queuing in the branches of the bank. ATM can be found in many places like MTR stations, shopping malls and beside the streets. Customers do not have to go to the branches of the bank to withdraw money or do some transaction.
Recently, because of the invention of the internet, e-banking system is created so that customers can do transactions or use many banking services on the internet. For example, transferring money to other account or paying bills can simply by clicking a few buttons.

Role of IT in HSBC:
In order to survive in the banking industry, IT plays as a necessity to HSBC. ATM and the e-banking system are the examples of IT in HSBC. These technologies are very important. All other banks are using these technologies and they are indeed convenient to customers. Customers can do transaction within a very short time. Using the e-banking system, customers can even do transaction without geographical limitation. The original process is greatly simplified. In the past, customers have to go to the bank and ask the staff of the counter to help in transferring money. Staff then needs to fill in the form in order to finish the process of transferring money. Such a process would require at least 5 minutes. But now just a few seconds, the process of transferring money or paying bills can be finished.

Components affected by the change in technologies in HSBC
Arising of new technologies reduce the workload of the employees. However, many processes become computerized and less employees are required. Therefore, HSBC fried many employees. The tasks performed by the employees changed. For example, in the past customers could go to the bank and withdraw money directly without paying any handling fee. However, now customers have to pay for the handling fee of withdrawing money in the bank. The tasks have been changed. Since more customers choose to use the e-banking system implies less customers go to the bank, an employees can perform more tasks.  

Problems arise from the new technologies
Although the e-banking system and ATM are very convenient to the customers, there are many security problems. There are fake websites which are similar to the original e-banking website in order to get the username and password of the customers. Besides, some guys installed very little cameras in the ATM and tried to get the passwords of other people. In addition, the bad guys may hack into the e-banking system to steal the information of the customers.
To address the security problems, HSBC should offer a series of measures to protect customers from the internet fraud like double authentication.

HSBC simplified some of the processes such as the processes of transferring money, withdrawing money and saving money. The new technologies ATM and e-banking system change the people, tasks and the structure of HSBC. These technologies help customers to do transactions quickly. The new processes are efficient and effective. However, the security problems are concerned by customers. To improve the service quality, HSBC should maintain a high security e-banking system. 

1 則留言:

  1. - The study and application of Leavitte Diamond concept in the HSBC example is not sufficiently in-depth, e.g. How the new ATM and Internet affects the people / staff in HSBC - retraining ... close down of physical retail HSBC bank ...
    .. more discussion on the change and alignment is needed
    Mark: Average
